Financial Policy
Princeton Chiropractic and Sports Rehab accepts all insurances towards payment for your care. You will be responsible for any non covered services, co-payments or deductibles. Our staff is happy to call your insurance company to determine the extent of your coverage. In order to verify your insurance coverage we will need your insurance information and the patient’s birth date.
Commercial Insurances Commonly Accepted Commercial Insurances Include: |
Workers’ Compensation Plans Some of our most common workers’ compensation insurances include: |
Auto Accident Claims: We accept all Personal Injury (auto accident insurance policies) towards payment for your care.
If you have any questions about your insurance, please contact us. Our front office staff can call your insurance company and verify your insurance benefits for physical therapy.
Call our Princeton chiropractic office today!
Princeton Chiropractic
and Sports Rehab
601 Ewing St., Ste C3,
Princeton, NJ 08540
(609) 921-1705